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microscope. Who and when didKuvhiya MicroscopeInoshanda microscope

microscope. Afterwards, the structure of the microscope was continuously improved, and the magnification increased continuously. At that time, scientists mainly used this

. In the following thirty years, due to the positive interaction between surgeons and, Inoshanda microscope

is slightly later than in otology and ophthalmology, and neurosurgeons are actively learning this new technology. Panguva iyoyo, iyo.

. Kurze, a neurosurgeon at the University of Southern California in the United States, spent a year learning the surgical techniques of using a microscope in the laboratory after observing ear surgery under a microscope. In August 1957, he successfully performed an acoustic neuroma surgery on a 5-year-old child using anKuvhiya MicroscopeKuvhiya Microscope

Kuvhiya Microscope

. After using a microscope in 1978, the mortality rate decreased to 3.2%. The mortality rate of cerebral arteriovenous malformation surgery without the use of aKuvhiya Microscope, the mortality rate decreased to 1.6%. Kushandiswa kwe

Kutumira Nguva: Dec-09-2024